
Thursday, 16 May 2024
25 facts about Galapagos Islands
25 facts about Galapagos Islands
Islands of the tortoises
The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands, islets and coral reefs in the Pacific Ocean. Since the nineteenth century it has belonge ...

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Mount St. Helens
Mount St. Helen is the youngest and the most active volcano of the Cascade Arc.
Lake Baikal
It is considered the cleanest lake in the world.
Baikal on each side is surrounded by a mountain range and the shores of the lake consist of steep rocks, which means that the mud does not flow into the lake in large quantities.
Amazon River
In 2011, researchers discovered two new species of freshwater stingrays in the Amazon River.
The Heliotrygon (rosai and gomesi), commonly referred to as the Pancake stingrays, is the first new genus of stingrays from the Amazon described since 1987.
Tropical rainforests
A single hectare of tropical forest can contain 42,000 different species of insects, up to 807 trees of 313 species, and 1,500 species of land plants (Embryophyta).
It is likely that tropical forests contain many millions of species of plants, insects, and microorganisms that have yet to be discovered.
Death Valley
The lowest point in North America is Badwater Basin, a small salt lake in Death Valley.
The site, considered the lowest point in North America and the US, lies 86 meters below sea level. T ...
Mount Etna
A number of villages lie directly at the foot of the volcano.
They are inhabited by about 213,200 people, the largest number being in Adrano, which lies on the so ...
Lake Tanganyika
The tectonic origin determines the environment of the lake.
Tanganyika is surrounded by mountains, some of which reach the shoreline of the lake.
Crete is located on the so-called Aegean plate (a small tectonic plate located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea).
Since its inception, this plate has been pushing against the African plate, which covers Africa and ...
Mount Tambora
The 1815 eruption caused the volcanic winter.
The year 1816 was called a year without summer because the volcanic ash prevented the sun’s rays from penetrating the atmosphere.
The old Theotokaki church was built in the 10th century in the town of Pyrgos.
Renovated in 1663, it is notable for its carved wooden icon screen and its old, characteristic archi ...