
Wednesday, 1 May 2024
42 facts about Kyshtym disaster
42 facts about Kyshtym disaster
The first nuclear accident in Earth's history
Before information about it saw the light of day, the Soviets hid it for over 30 years. The explosion at the Mayak combine was the first nuclear accid ...

Did you know?

Battle of Thermopylae
Darius I prepared for the expedition for three years.
He began to create a huge army and a navy. Under Persian law, which required the king to name a succ ...
Axum Empire
The most famous stele is the so-called Obelisk of Aksum.
It is a syenite stele, 23 meters high and weighing over 100 tons. It was erected around the 4th cent ...
Black death
Even after the plague was defeated, it reappeared in various regions of Europe with varying degrees of intensity.
After the period of great geographical discoveries, the range of the Black Death also increased, causing local outbreaks of the disease around the world as late as the early 19th century.
Dyatlov Pass incident
The Dyatlov Pass tragedy most likely happened on the night of February 1-2, 1959.
There are plenty of hypotheses about what happened to Dyatlov's group. However, none of them has been confirmed 100 percent, and many concepts contain mutually exclusive facts and conclusions.
Dyatlov Pass incident
The initiator of the 1959 expedition was Igor Dyatlov.
Dyatlov was a final-year student at the Radio Technical Department of the Ural Polytechnical Institu ...
The construction of the fortress dates back to the 2nd century BC.
It was built by the high priest Jonathan, who also gave it its name - the name is Hebrew: məṣādā = " ...
Battle of Thermopylae
On Xerxes’ orders, the Medes and Elamite troops were the first to strike.
They were tasked with a frontal attack on the Greek positions. This first attack was bloodily repuls ...
Dyatlov Pass incident
Of the nine participants, three graduates worked on the secret Soviet atom research program.
Nikolai Thibeaux-Brignolle and Georgy Yuri Krivonishchenko were employed at the secret Mayak atomic ...
The Iliad - Homer's beautiful epic - led to one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time.
As late as the 19th century, historians and archaeologists were convinced that the Trojan War and Tr ...
Axum Empire
Axum was a well-organized center where education flourished.
The Aksumites had extensive knowledge of mathematics and astronomy.