
Thursday, 16 May 2024
27 facts about turtles
27 facts about turtles
The only vertebrates so armored
The first turtles appeared on Earth at the end of the Permian about 240 million years ago. Although the first ones had neither plastron nor carapace, ...

Did you know?

Rice's whale
A typical male does not exceed 10 meters in length.
The largest male of the species was measured to be 11.26 meters in length.
The average lifespan of a stingray depends on gender.
Males live up to 7 years, females for an average of 15 to 22 years.
Clownfish are omnivores.
They usually eat leftovers from anemone host but can also feed on zooplankton, algae, copepods and tunicate larvae. They sometimes take a bite of hosting anemone tentacle.
Saola have dark, chocolate brown fur, with distinguished white markings along their jaws, on their neck, and above their eyes.
The blood system of insects is open.
This means they have no veins, but hemolymph (which functions as blood) is forced by arteries into t ...
Sea otter
An individual may spend its entire life in the water, but many venture onto land.
In contrast to the water environment, sea otters are very clumsy on land, but this does not stop them from taking a rest on land. 
Lemon shark
They are commonly found in coastal subtropical waters.
They occupy mostly the eastern shores of both the Americas, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, and the western coast of north and central Africa.
Saola are both diurnal and nocturnal.
However, they are believed to prefer to rest during the day. Their primary activity occurs during twilight.
The smallest known jellyfish come from genera Eleutheria and Staurocladia.
They typically measure up to 0,5 millimeters in diameter.
The body of earthworms consists of more than 80% water, which can be exchanged with the environment at a rate of about 60% by volume per day.