Loading of the aircraft is possible only after lifting the nose of the fuselage. The cargo hold has a capacity of 1300 cubic meters and the maximum cargo weight is 250 tons.
Unlike the An-124, the Mryia has two vertical stabilizers on the tail, allowing it to transport extremely heavy loads that would negatively affect the aerodynamics of a classic “single” tail.
The construction led to the destabilization of a unique ecosystem in the region.
Many species of flora and fauna face extinction because of landslides triggered by the erosion of the reservoir. Moreover, the dam generated a microclimate, with increased growth of algae.
The first image on the Internet is a work of art made in Photoshop and exported to .gif format.
It depicts four women, members of the Geneva CERN lab’s comedy troupe Les Horrible Cernettes. As with the first website, it was posted by Tim Berners-Lee.
The leading social network is Facebook with 2.7 billion active users.
In second place is YouTube (2 billion) followed by Instagram (1.15 billion), LinkedIn (766 million), TikTok (689 million), Twitter (330 million), and Snapchat (294 million).
In the first half of the 19th century, intensive attempts were made to obtain more efficient and cheaper fuel than the various types of oil and their mixtures used to date.
To this end, research was conducted on crude oil, from which kerosene was obtained by distillation. ...
It is the largest hydropower station in the world.
It generates 100 billion kWh of electricity a year. In 2020, the dam generated 11,8 TWh, setting a world record previously held by the Itaipu Dam in South America.