
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
15 facts about french fries
15 facts about french fries
Not so French after all
It is not known where the fries come from. Some say from France, others, Belgium. Whatever the truth, one thing is certain–they are delicious, and pro ...

Did you know?

Dishes similar to pizza were known in antiquity.
There are records of Persian soldiers in the 6th century BC and ancient Greeks, who baked flatbreads with added cheese, herbs, and dates.
Selling churros is an annual lucrative business for Disneyland.
Disneyland’s theme parks offer special 12-inch churros coated with cinnamon sugar, the popularity of which translates into sales of nearly 3 million per year.
Tomato juice
Mass production of tomato juice began in the 1920s.
It became a popular dinner drink and within a few years spread beyond the borders of the US.
Modern sushi became popular in the 1820s.
By adding rice vinegar, the fermentation process shortened, and people started combining fresh fish with vinegared rice.
The next step is roasting cocoa beans.
In this process, the seeds are stripped of excess water and a large amount of acidic substances, whi ...
The name of the delicacy is derived from the ram’s horns.
According to the theory that the dessert was made in Spain, shepherds grazing sheep belonging to the ...
Bavaria’s Weihenstephan Abbey is believed to be the oldest continuously operating brewery.
The abbey itself has been in existence since around 720, and from the very beginning, the monks livi ...
Wagyū Beef
The highest yield and meat quality grade for Wagyu beef is A5, where A is the yield grade and 5 is the meat quality grade.
The basic criteria for evaluating meat are its marbling, fat content, meat color (it can't be too li ...
Hot dog
The Americans consume about 155 million hot dogs each year on Independence Day.
To make chocolate products from cocoa beans, they have to go a long way.
The freshly harvested cocoa beans have an intense, sour-bitter taste. For this reason, some South Am ...