
Friday, 26 July 2024
16 facts about Chocolate
16 facts about Chocolate
A delicacy not only for a sweet tooth
Chocolate is one of the most popular foods and flavors in the world. It was already known 4 thousand years ago. The ancient inhabitants of today's Mex ...

Did you know?

The cheese to be matured is placed in a round stainless steel mold, which is tightly closed with a spring-loaded buckle so that the cheese keeps its shape.
The buckle is released after one or two days. A plastic band with several imprints of the name of th ...
Wagyū Beef
Since 1997, neither cattle nor their genetic material can be exported outside Japan.
The Japanese government has declared Wagyu a national treasure. Prior to the legislation, some 225 s ...
Maple syrup
The Native Americans claim that this skill of obtaining maple syrup was accidentally passed on to them by the gods.
Legend has it that the Iroquois’ Chief Woksis threw his tomahawk into a maple tree on a winter day. ...
The first written and preserved recipe for cheesecake dates back to 230 and is by Athenaeus of Naukratis.
Athenaeus of Naukratis is the author of the only surviving work consisting of fifteen books, the “De ...
The Sumerians used bread to prepare beer.
This was the simplest way to produce ancient beer, as only bread and water are required for alcoholi ...
Stuffed churros can be found in South America.
Depending on the region of the continent, you may come across different suggestions for serving stuf ...
Soapberry extract (Saponaria officinalis) is used in the production of some grades of halva.
It is used to facilitate the foaming of the caramel mass. Because the plant contains poisonous sapon ...
Coffee is available in various forms.
Unroasted beans, the so-called “green” coffee In roasted beans Ground Soluble (freeze-dried or dried by spraying in hot air)
Recently, kombucha has begun to return to favor.
Growing awareness and knowledge of healthy eating, and the importance of proper intestinal flora, ha ...
French fries
According to legend, the original fries occurred in Namur, a city then in the Spanish Netherlands, which was under Belgian jurisdiction.
The residents of Namur were particularly fond of fried fish. When the Sambra River froze over one co ...