
Saturday, 18 May 2024
15 facts about french fries
15 facts about french fries
Not so French after all
It is not known where the fries come from. Some say from France, others, Belgium. Whatever the truth, one thing is certain–they are delicious, and pro ...

Did you know?

According to the Brewers Association, there are 79 beer styles in the world.
These styles are grouped into 15 families and fall into one of two categories: Ale (top-fermented beer) and Lager (bottom-fermented beer).
Initially, churros did not resemble the appearance of the current version of the dessert.
In their original form, churros were intended to provide sheepherders with a filling meal that was e ...
The addition of annatto to cheddar affects its flavor.
Cheeses containing the coloring agent have a sweet, slightly nutty aftertaste.
Each Parmigiano Reggiano cheese disc is worth between 400 and more than 500 euros each.
Depending on the age of the cheese disc, a distinction is made: Giovane (young) - up to 1 year of a ...
Mead has been made and consumed since the Middle Ages in Lithuania and Poland.
It is a traditional alcoholic beverage created by fermenting the wort of bee honey, usually lime hon ...
Tomato juice
Tomato juice has been the official beverage of the state of Ohio since 1965.
The United States is one of the largest global producers of the beverage.
Because of the number of vitamins and minerals, sushi possesses great health benefits.
It is recommended for people struggling with mental problems, such as mood swings and depression. It ...
Sushi is among the healthiest foods.
It is packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, iodine, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium.
It originates from Southeast Asia, most likely a rice-growing region along the Mekong River.
Despite common belief, it did not come from Japan.
The record holder in terms of size and weight is the 1989 Cheddar.
The cheese was made in the state of Oregon and weighed 25,790 kg (56,857 lb).