
Friday, 26 July 2024
42 facts about Kyshtym disaster
42 facts about Kyshtym disaster
The first nuclear accident in Earth's history
Before information about it saw the light of day, the Soviets hid it for over 30 years. The explosion at the Mayak combine was the first nuclear accid ...

Did you know?

Battle of Thermopylae
After the defeat suffered at the hands of the Greeks at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC, the Persians began planning another expedition against the Greek city-states (polis).
Planning for another invasion was started by King Darius I, who this time decided to lead the expedi ...
Pocahontas was a nickname given to an Indian girl named Matoaka by her parents in childhood.
It means a “playful one.” Matoaka was the daughter of the leader of Powhatans living nearby Jamestow ...
Dyatlov Pass incident
One of the expedition's participants, Aleksandr Kolevatov, worked at Institute 3394 in Moscow.
Employees at Institute 3394 in Moscow focused on creating a nuclear shield, designing nuclear weapon ...
Medieval world
From June 26, 1409 to May 29, 1415, there were as many as three popes in Europe.
The Great Schism was not ended until the Council of Constance, at which all acting "heads of the Chu ...
The civilization of the Indus Valley was completely unknown until the end of the 19th century - the ruins of the city remained hidden from the world for about 3,700 years.
This was due to the specific cultural conditions under which the Hindus learned about the origins of ...
Ancient Sumer
The Sumer left behind the oldest set of laws found so far - the Ur-Nammu code, which dates back to the 22nd - 21st century B.C.
Two clay tablets were found during the excavations at Nippur in 1902, and only three articles have b ...
Battle of Thermopylae
The battle of Thermopylae had little impact on the fate of the war.
The Spartans lost, but dealt a big blow to Xerxes, showing their strength, boosting the morale of th ...
Mali Empire
Sundiata Kaita died in 1255, probably by drowning.
However, tradition says that he died crossing the Sankarani River, where a reliquary still stands today.
Axum Empire
Steles (vertically aligned slabs with inscriptions or bas-relief decorations, vertical tombstones), unique in the world, have survived to the present day in the former kingdom of Aksum.
Stelae marked graves or commemorated important events. They were constructed from a single fragment ...
Kyshtym disaster
It was not only the population of the surrounding villages that suffered the consequences of the explosion.
Not only the atmosphere but also the soil, grass, and water were contaminated. In the villages close ...