Kyshtym disaster

The story of the so-called "Kyshtym Dwarf" is also connected with the Kyshtym disaster.

An excerpt from the article 42 facts about Kyshtym disaster

In 1996, information circulated the world from a resident of the Kaolinovo village (about 15 kilometers west of the Mayak combine) near Kyshtym, Tamara Prosvirina, who found a strange creature measuring 25 centimeters in the forest. The creature's body was covered with sparse hair, and its head was shaped like an onion. In addition, it had two teeth and no eyelids or genitals. Prosvirina took the creature home, fed it, and named it "Alyoshenka." Witnesses described the creature as not of this earth, and the press called it a "Kyshtym Dwarf."

Tamara suffered from mental disorders. After her health deteriorated, she was taken to the hospital, and Alyoshenka left alone in the house, died after about 10 days. The corpse of the creature was dried in the sun.

The mummy of the Kyshtim Dwarf was the subject of numerous studies.

The first hypothesis was the extraterrestrial origin of the creature. It was claimed that its structure ruled out the possibility of human affinity. Proponents of this theory claim that the crowning evidence for the veracity of the extraterrestrial origin of the being is that the mummy disappeared and the most important witness to the event died in an accident.

Due to Prosvirina's mental disorder, some researchers believed that she did not find a living creature, but a mummy, whose image circulated throughout the media. This hypothesis was contradicted by numerous reports from witnesses who had seen the Kyshtym Dwarf alive. It was considered a so-called parasite twin or an abnormally developing fetus, which could have been caused by its mother's exposure to radiation.

The last and least likely hypothesis was that the Kyshtym Dwarf was considered a hitherto unknown species of animal. Identical specimens were reportedly found elsewhere in the world, such as in Mexico and Chile.

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