Charles Darwin

In his diary, in addition to his notes on animal reproduction, he also included his thoughts on the pros and cons of marriage.

An excerpt from the article 25 facts about Charles Darwin

On two slips of paper he wrote down brief thoughts for and against marriage. He divided the sheets into two columns, one titled "to marry" and the other " not to marry."

Among the points in favor were:

  • "children",
  • "constant companion, (& friend in old age) who will feel interested in one,— object to be beloved & played with.— —better than a  dog anyhow",
  • "Home, & someone to take care of house".

List of cons included, for example:

  • "not forced to visit relatives",
  • "not forced to bend in every trifle",
  • "less money for books",
  • "a waste of time".

In the end, the profit and loss calculus pushed him toward marriage.