According to Greek mythology, the city was founded by Ilos, sometimes called Ilion, son of Tros of Dardania and Callirrhoe (Callirhoe), daughter of the river god Skamander. The story goes that Ilos won a tournament organised by the King of Phrygia and was rewarded with fifty young men and women. The king of Phrygia also gave Ilos a cow and, following the advice of the oracle, ordered Ilos to build a city on the spot where the cow would rest. At the location indicated by the cow, Ilos founded the city.
When his father died, Ilos, who wanted to remain king of Troy, gave the throne of Dardania to his brother.
Legend has it that the gods Apollo and Poseidon helped build the mighty walls of Troy during the reign of Ilos' son Laomedont, who was succeeded by Priam.