
Ben Gurion University, founded in 1969, is located in Beersheba.

An excerpt from the article 20 facts about Negev

It is one of the fastest-growing universities in Israel. Its activities are focused on promoting the idea of developing the Negeb region.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many famous professors from universities in Leningrad, Riga, Moscow, Kharkiv, and others settled here. Next to the university, there is a world-famous center for research on desert nature.

To the west of Beersheva is the large Israeli Air Force base of Khatzerim. In 1977, the famous aviation museum was opened here.

The Advanced Technology Park is also being developed here, which is to focus on the cybersecurity, nanotechnology, and telecommunications sectors in the city. The military also plans to open an Israeli cybersecurity center in Beersheba.

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu announced that the city is to become the cybersecurity capital of the world.