Amadeus Mozart

Mozart received a commission from Munich to write a grand opera for the start of the opera season in that city in December 1780.

An excerpt from the article 28 facts about Amadeus Mozart

He wrote "Idomeneo, King of Crete" and traveled to Munich to supervise rehearsals and conduct the premiere. The planned premiere did not take place due to mourning over the death of Maria Theresa, daughter of Emperor Charles VI of Habsburg, and was postponed until the following January. Mozart's father and sister Maria Anna attended the premiere. Mozart was a great success in Munich, carried almost on his hands in the upper classes. Meanwhile, his employer, treating him as a mere musician in the service of an archbishop prince, forbade Mozart to give concerts. He even refused to give a concert in the presence of the emperor, which could have brought Amadeus almost half of his annual salary. Exasperated, he submitted his resignation, which was accepted by the words: "Let him go, I don't need him."