Ambergris is a secretion from the sperm whale’s digestive tract, which is produced by indigestion or constipation. It appears in the whale’s feeding area, where it floats on the surface of the water in the form of lumps and is later thrown onto the ocean shore. Such lumps have different sizes and forms, their weight is 1-20 kilograms. Ambergris has the consistency of gray, yellow or brown wax, is lighter than water, softens at the temperature of the human body, and liquefies at the boiling point of water. It is one of the few natural raw materials of the perfume industry of animal origin. It is used by the most reputable perfume manufacturers.
Today, due to the protection of sperm whales, natural ambergris is not available. Its synthetic, or plant-based (products obtained from hibiscus seeds) substitutes are used.