Saint Petersburg

Peter I supervised the construction of the fortress from his bungalow, the so-called Peter I hut, which was erected especially for him before the construction of the city began. Construction of the port, residential buildings, and road network also began.

An excerpt from the article 37 facts about Saint Petersburg

The carpenters built him a cottage, consisting of two chambers divided by a hallway, with a small door through which, when entering, he had to bend down a lot, since he was of fair height (203 cm). He slept in one of the chambers, and worked in the other–he had a working table, on which he laid out plans and drew a vision of the future St. Petersburg. The tsar lived in his hut for six years. Today the log cabin stands inside a larger building protecting it, which also houses the Museum of City History. The cruiser Aurora (now the Museum of the Revolution) is moored near Peter I's house. A shot was fired from its cannon at 9:40 p.m. on October 25, 1917, which was the signal to storm the Winter Palace.