
Friday, 3 May 2024
13 facts about tears
13 facts about tears
Multipurpose liquid
Associated with emotions, tears are a product of lacrimal glands, found in the eyes of most terrestrial vertebrates. Although their primary function i ...

Did you know?

Deimos was discovered by American astronomer Asaph Hall on August 12, 1877, through a telescope at the US Naval Observatory.
It was not discovered accidentally, the astronomer conducted observations precisely to find the planet's natural satellites.
It is a fossilized resin from ancient trees, often prized for its natural beauty and historical significance.
The oldest amber is approximately 320 million years old, making it a valuable window into prehistori ...
The smallest brain mammal is the Etruscan shrew. The biggest one - the sperm whale.
The Etruscan shrew is also the smallest of the currently known mammals.
Most fungi develop as hyphae, which are cylindrical, thread-like structures 2-10 µm in diameter and up to several centimeters long.
The hyphae branch and connect, which leads to the formation of mycelium, which is an interconnected ...
Milky Way
It was only in 1610 that Galileo discovered that the Milky Way was made of stars.
Previously, it was believed that it could be part of the Earth's atmosphere or underexposed stars (it was believed that stars shine with light reflected from the Sun) that were in the Earth's shadow.
The crushed and fragmented rock material that covers the Moon's surface is called regolith.
The thickness of the regolith cover in sea areas ranges from 3 - 5 m and in the highlands 10 - 20 m.
The liver is one of the most essential organs in endocrine balance.
It breaks down hormones, especially estrogen and androgen. Functionality disorder may lead to acne problems or scalp hair loss in men, and menstrual cramps, fluid retention, or lumpy breast in women.
The 1972 snow blizzard in Iran killed 4000 people.
It was the deadliest blizzard in history. At the time, 7.9 meters of snow fell, completely covering ...
The Earth's core is a ball with a diameter of 6940 km - so it is larger than Mars.
It is made of an alloy of nickel and iron with small admixtures of other elements. It reaches temperatures from 5500 to 6500 degrees Celsius and the pressure there is 13.5 million atmospheres.
Although graphene consists of an element that is abundant on Earth, its production costs are high.
This is a major obstacle to graphene finding mass application in many fields. For now, only small amounts are produced.