
Friday, 26 July 2024
13 facts about tears
13 facts about tears
Multipurpose liquid
Associated with emotions, tears are a product of lacrimal glands, found in the eyes of most terrestrial vertebrates. Although their primary function i ...

Did you know?

Large Magellanic Cloud
We define the shape of the galaxy as a Magellanic spiral galaxy.
It has a bar, but it does not appear in the center of the galaxy. The reason for this deformation is the gravitational influence of both the Milky Way and the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Milky Way
The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy of type SBbc.
A bright band of stars, gas, and dust runs through the center of the galaxy (forming a bar), with ar ...
Tears are made up of three layers.
Oily layer–smoothens the tear’s surface and prevents evaporation of other layers Mucous layer–allow ...
There are many theories about the formation of the Moon, but the most probable is that in the early days of the Solar System, the proto-Earth collided with a celestial body the size of Mars, and this impact generated enough energy to throw enough material into Earth's orbit to form the Moon.
In 1973 NASA launched the Skylab mission.
Its purpose was to set up the first American space station. Skylab successfully operated from May 14th, 1973 to July 11th, 1979, when it disintegrated into the atmosphere.
Phobos is believed to be an asteroid that has been intercepted by the gravitational field of Mars.
Both Phobos and Deimos share many similarities with C- or D-type asteroids.
The first probe near Titan was Voyager 1.
The flight took place on November 12th, 1980. Several photos were taken from a distance of 4,000 km, ...
The name nicotine comes from the name of the French physician Jean Nicot, who recommended tobacco as a medicine in the 16th century.
Nicotine was first isolated in 1828, and its chemical structure was discovered in 1843. Nicotine was first obtained through a chemical process in 1904.
Amber was used for incense.
It was used both during religious ceremonies and in hospitals because it was believed to accelerate recovery and help to concentrate.
Due to its bactericidal properties, silver is also used in the textile industry.