Nan Madol

Legend says that the first rulers of the city were brothers Ohlosohpa and Ohlosihwa, who reached the island in the company of gods.

An excerpt from the article 19 facts about Nan Madol
The brothers were newcomers from a distant land south of Pohnpei. They arrived with 17 men and women in a large boat, looking for a place to settle. Their appearance was different from the natives, especially the height - they were very tall.
The natives described the brothers as "witches" because according to stories from local people, they were supposed to raise huge megaliths with the help of a "flying dragon". The brothers ruled wisely and fairly, but their successors treated the natives as slaves, forcing them to work, collecting high commissions in the form of agricultural produce and fish. Over the years, a noble class emerged from the descendants of the newcomers and natives who entered into family ties with the new arrivals. Olosohpa himself married a local woman and started a dynasty of 16 successive rulers.