It contains three facades: The Nativity, the Passion, and the Glory, each of which is a different style. It has 18 towers that symbolize the 12 apostles, the four evangelists, Christ and the Virgin Mary.
The dimensions are governed by proportions based on the number 7.5, which is the base dimension. The length of the nave is the most important in this five-nave church (as in other churches). In this case, it is 90 m (7.5 x 12), where 12 symbolizes the apostles. The height of the main nave is 45 m (7.5 x 6). The transept (transverse nave) is 60 m long (7.5 x 8 or 5 x 12) and 30 m wide (7.5 x 4). The apse is 75 m (7.5 x 10) high.