It is a monument to four animals: a donkey, a hunting dog, a cat, and a rooster, about which the beautiful fairy tale "The Musicians of Bremen" was created by the Grimm Brothers. The fairy tale tells that a peasant had a donkey, which after many years of work became old and lost its strength, and the peasant decided to get rid of it. The donkey, who was aware that death awaited him, decided to escape to Bremen to become a city musician there. On the way, the donkey was joined by an old dog, a disabled cat, and a rooster. Animals rejected by their owners decided to stick together. After a long walk, they finally reached a lonely hut, but to look inside, they had to create a pyramid: a donkey leaned its front paws against the wall of the hut, a dog jumped on its back, a cat jumped on the dog's back, and a rooster on the cat. Through the window, the animals saw robbers sitting at the banquet table. As future musicians, the animals decided to give a concert: the donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat meowed, and the rooster crowed. The robbers terrified that the house was haunted by ghosts, fled, and the animals took up residence in the cottage. They lived there happily ever after. And although they never reached Bremen, they became a symbol of this city, a city of tolerance and opportunity, where even old animals could start a new life. For the Bremen people, the joint action of animals is a symbol of civic solidarity, which they have cultivated and believed in for centuries.