
Friday, 26 July 2024
18 facts about Alpaca
18 facts about Alpaca
Highly intelligent, swift learning and gentle animals
Most of the world's alpaca population is found in South America, in the Altiplano region of Peru-Chile-Bolivia, where they are currently found only on ...

Did you know?

American robin
Female lays from three to five eggs.
Eggs are blue and are incubated by female only. After 14 days of incubation young robins hatch. They ...
Sea otter
Today, it is illegal to hunt sea otters, but the species is still threatened by human activities such as oil spills, pollution, and habitat degradation. 
Of all the threats, oil spills are the most deadly to sea otters, as contact with oil makes the otters' fur soak with water, leading to hypothermia.
Alligator snapping turtle
The alligator snapping turtle has an interesting hunting technique.
While remaining still, it points out its red, worm-like tongue appendage to lure potential prey, and once it is within a striking distance, the turtle snaps its jaws abruptly.
American mink
They live near forest waters, marking the boundaries of their territory with the secretions of their perianal glands.
The size of the territory depends on the sex, males have areas of up to 440 ha, and females 8-20 ha.
Wolf spider
Wolf spiders originated after Cretaceous–Tertiary Extinction that killed 75% of living animals on Earth about 66 million years ago.
Most of modern subfamilies of wolf spiders appeared sometime between 41 and 32 million years ago.
Viper dogfish
It is listed as the least concern on the IUCN Red List.
Arctic fox
Polar fox fur provides the best isolation among all mammal furs. They tolerate temperatures down to – 94 Fahrenheit.
They are perfectly anatomically adapted for this. Thick and multi-layered fur provides excellent the ...
Javan hawk-eagle
It is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.
It faces habitat loss and destruction, excessive poaching, and illegal pet trade.
European pine marten
The average lifespan in the wild is about 4 years.
In the wild, they can live up to 11 years if they are lucky and as long as 18 years in captivity.
Alligator snapping turtle
They can reach up to 80 kg in weight and around 75 centimeters in length.