
Thursday, 2 May 2024
18 facts about Alpaca
18 facts about Alpaca
Highly intelligent, swift learning and gentle animals
Most of the world's alpaca population is found in South America, in the Altiplano region of Peru-Chile-Bolivia, where they are currently found only on ...

Did you know?

They appeared on Earth quite early, already in the Cambrian, although it is currently debated whether organisms from this period should be classified as snails.
These organisms had rudimentary and primitive shells. Over the next 80 million years, they slowly ev ...
The sizes of spiders vary significantly depending on the species.
The smallest species is Patu digua from Colombia, whose body length does not exceed 0.37 mm. The lar ...
Hammerhead sharks
Hammerheads are resistant to stingrays stings.
Stingrays are among the most preferred food of most hammerheads.
Amur leopard
Its name derives from the Amur river.
It is the tenth longest river in the world, flowing through China, Mongolia, and Russia.
Maine coon
They are very chatty.
Apart from typical meowing, Maine coons often chirp.
One of the most beautiful and impressive snails are nudibranch. These are shellless snails with very colorful colors and a symmetrical body structure.
Some of them feed on cnidarians, whose toxins do not harm the snail. Instead, the eaten cnidarians a ...
In moderate climate, hedgehogs fall into winter sleep.
They typically bury themselves under fallen leaves or compost and wake up during summer, when the temperature reaches approximately 15 degrees Celsius.
There are butterflies whose females do not have wings.
An example of such a butterfly is the species Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, whose female never deve ...
Ball python
It is native to central and western Africa.
Rottnest Island owes its name to the population of quokkas.
Willem de Vlamingh, captain of the Dutch fleet, upon arriving on the island in 1696, thought quokkas ...