
Thursday, 2 May 2024
27 facts about turtles
27 facts about turtles
The only vertebrates so armored
The first turtles appeared on Earth at the end of the Permian about 240 million years ago. Although the first ones had neither plastron nor carapace, ...

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Some butterflies, like the hummingbird hawk-moth, can flap their wings 5,000 times a minute.
European pine marten
Males are slightly larger than females.
The body length of a european marten averages 53 cm (21 in) and the tail length is 25 cm (10 in). Adult martens can weigh between 1.5 and 1.7 kg (3,3 to 3,7 in).
Tiger sharks
They are also scavengers.
They feed on dead animals, including whales.
American robin
American robins are omnivorous.
60% of their diet consists of fruits and berries while 40% of small invertebrates like caterpillars, grasshoppers, earthworms and beetle grubs.
They spend a lot of time on grooming.
Dirty fur disrupts the regulation of body heat and affects their floating ability.
Sea lamprey
Being an invasive species, sea lamprey found no natural predators, competitors, parasites, or pathogens in the Great Lakes.
Without proper population control, their numbers multiplied and became detrimental to the local ecosystem.
The most numerous insects are beetles.
More than 400,000 species of these insects have been described so far, making up about 40% of all in ...
The wombat resembles a badger in appearance, with a uniform gray coat.
Australian scientists have viewed wombats under ultraviolet light and found that their fur shimmers ...
It is estimated that 1 in 500 narwhals has not one but two fangs.
The Platypus was heard of in Europe in 1798, when the second governor of New South Wales, John Hunter, sent a pelt of an Aboriginal hunted pecker to Britain.
British scientists did not believe in the authenticity of the specimen, it was even assumed to have ...