
Monday, 6 May 2024
15 facts about Javan leopard
15 facts about Javan leopard
Panthera pardus melas
The Javan leopard is one of the endemic animals of the island of Java in Indonesia. Due to habitat fragmentation, leopards are forced to breed within ...

Did you know?

Ocean sunfish
The newly hatched sunfish is tiny, measuring about 2,5 mm (0,1 in).
If they are lucky enough to survive and develop into fry, they need only 15 months to achieve a size of an adult.  To increase the chance of survival, juveniles swim in schools.
Red panda
Despite its name, it is not related to the giant panda.
A giant panda is a species of bear. The name panda was given to the red panda first, as the giant panda was described approximately 50 years later.
Maine coon
Maine coons are one of the best domestic breeds to keep around children.
There are 13 species of otters.
Sea otter, found along the coast of the Pacific Ocean in North America and Asia; Congo clawless ott ...
Asian elephant
Asian elephants are sacred animals to Hindus.
One of the most powerful deities of Hinduism, the Remover of Obstacles, is an elephant-headed Lord Ganesha.
Javan leopard
Javan leopards await their prey on the top of trees.
Their spotted fur allows them to camouflage better against the leaves.
Pteranodon currently contains two species, Pteranodon longiceps, and Pteranodon sternbergi.
Scientists unearthed over 1,200 specimens of Pteranodon and distinguished two species based on their skulls.
European wildcat
Despite the total extirpation of the wildcat in England, attempts are being made to reintroduce it.
Captive breeding of these animals began in 2019 with the intention of releasing them into the wild in 2022.
Giant panda
The genome of the giant panda was sequenced in 2009.
Ocean sunfish
They are sunbathing to warm up because of their ectothermic nature.
As they do so, they straighten horizontally and float just beneath the water surface. During this pr ...