
Saturday, 4 May 2024
15 facts about fleas
15 facts about fleas
External parasites
Fleas are one of the most hated insects by pet owners. Once they find their way onto a dog or a cat, they are very hard to remove. Reproducing at a ve ...

Did you know?

Common Surinam toad
The habitat of ridgebacks is exclusively water -they never go on land.
They inhabit shallow, coastal parts of rivers, their tributaries with calm currents densely overgrow ...
Sperm whale
Another substance extracted from the sperm whale is ambergris (Ambergris Tincture).
Ambergris is a secretion from the sperm whale’s digestive tract, which is produced by indigestion or ...
Central bearded dragon
A bearded dragon can live up to 20 years in captivity.
The average lifespan of these lizards in the wild is about 11 years.
Syrian brown bear
Important habitats of this bear in Turkey are the forests of the Mediterranean belt, deciduous and coniferous forests in the Black Sea region and northeastern Turkey, and dry forests in Eastern Anatolia.
Their habitats range from 500 to 2700 m. In Iran, the bear occurs in the protected area of the Albor ...
Cane toad
They are very large amphibians.
Adult toads are 10-15 cm (4-6 in) long. Females are considerably larger than males. They weigh about 1,4 kg (3 lb).
Another name for the pygmy chimpanzee is bonobo, and this is now the commonly used name for the species.
The name first appeared in 1954, when Austrian zoologist Eduard Paul Tratz and German biologist Hein ...
Toco toucan
Toco toucan is the largest and probably best known member of the toucan family (Ramphastidae).
It is also called the giant toucan, and common toucan.
American bullfrog
They are commonly consumed worldwide.
Apart from being large, they are non-toxic to humans. Their legs are eaten grilled, fried, and boiled.
Due to relatively small bodies, alpacas tend to seek shelter when in danger. On the other hand, llamas display agressiveness while in danger. They may kick, scream, spit and charge potential predator.
Fleas are successful acrobats.
The first mention of a flea circus dates back to 1578, and a watchmaker Mark Scaliot, who created a ...