
Friday, 26 July 2024

Did you know?

Ludwig van Beethoven
Family environment von Breuning's family environment provided an alternative to his home life.
Ludwig's father abused alcohol and was often aggressive towards his wife and children. Eventually, l ...
Amadeus Mozart
Mozart died as a very young man, he was only 35 years old. He died in Vienna on December 5, 1791.
For many years, it was not known what caused his death. Although a bloodletting by a medic, two hour ...
Anna Pavlova
She loved animals.
She possessed several cats, including a Siamese can, dogs, birds, and swans.
Gaius Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was forced to grow up very quickly.
In 85 BC, his father died suddenly, making the sixteen-year-old Julius have to become the head of the family.
Christopher Columbus
Columbus was accused of extreme brutality againts indigenious people.
Some claimed that he refused to baptize the natives just to have an opportunity to abuse them withou ...
Tadeusz Kosciuszko
The Kosciuszko family descended from Konstantin Fedorovich, a grand ducal courtier of Alexander Jagiellon and Sigismund I.
Konstantin Fedorovich was diminutively called "Kostyushka," which years later became a family name. ...
William Shakespeare
In October 2020, New York’s Christie’s Auction House reported that a copy of the First Folio sold for $9.97 million.
The previous sales record was set in 2001; a copy of the “First Folio” was sold then for $6 million.
Jane Austen
Jane Austin was born on 16 December 1775 in Stevenson near Basingstoke, Hempshire.
Peter the Great
He introduced a new administrative division of the country, dividing it into gubernias, provinces, and districts.
He also established magistrates governed by mayors.
She educated successive members of Alexandria's elite, and her students held high positions.
Hypatia came from an aristocratic background and circulated among the ruling and cultural elite. Her ...