
Saturday, 4 May 2024
21 facts about Ada Lovelace
21 facts about Ada Lovelace
The first female programmer
Ada Lovelace was a British poet and mathematician who lived in the first half of the 19th century. She was the daughter of one of Britain's greatest d ...

Did you know?

Marilyn Monroe
Her path to fame started in a factory.
She was employed at Radioplane Munitions Factory, where she met a photographer David Conover, and decided to leave her current life behind and try her hand at modelling.
Aristotle's line of thought greatly impacted Islamic viewpoints.
During the Islamic Golden Age in the middle ages, much of Aristotle’s work was translated into Arabi ...
Salvador Dali
While creating, the artist never used substances "modifying consciousness". He used to say: "I don't do drugs. I am drugs."
In the early 1930s, he developed a method called paranoid-critical. This method was based on pretend ...
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Immediately after the outbreak of the war, he refused the American offer of evacuation from Ukraine.
When offered to evacuate Kiev, Zelenski replied: "I need ammunition, not a lift." False information ...
Frederic Chopin
When the lyceum where Frederic's father worked was moved from the Saski Palace to the Kazimierzowski Palace, the Chopins settled in the outbuilding of the palace, the so-called post-rector's building.
Their neighbours were then: Juliusz Krzysztof Kolberg with his sons, Samuel Bogumił Linde and Kazimierz Brodziński.
Charles Darwin
In his diary, in addition to his notes on animal reproduction, he also included his thoughts on the pros and cons of marriage.
On two slips of paper he wrote down brief thoughts for and against marriage. He divided the sheets i ...
Napoleon Bonaparte
During the siege of Toulon, Bonaparte was sworn in as captain of an artillery of the revolutionary forces.
He won the support of Augustin Robespierre, younger brother of the revolutionary leader Maximilien R ...
Charles Darwin
Darwin worked very hard and neglected his health.
From the clinical syndromes described, modern physicians concluded that Darwin suffered from three p ...
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare invented many words and phraseological compounds that entered everyday usage.
The list of words he introduced into the English language counts about 600 items. For example, Shake ...
He did not have a good reputation even in his home village.
Rasputin did not attend school and helped his father occasionally in the wagon business, transportin ...