
Thursday, 25 April 2024
15 facts about Javan leopard
15 facts about Javan leopard
Panthera pardus melas
The Javan leopard is one of the endemic animals of the island of Java in Indonesia. Due to habitat fragmentation, leopards are forced to breed within ...

Did you know?

Lemon shark
Lemon sharks practice polyandry.
It means that females mate with multiple males throughout their lives.
Boa constrictor
Boa constrictors are very good swimmers.
They can often be found in the vicinity of rivers and streams.
Blue-Tongued Lizard
They can be found in all habitats of Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea.
One of its subspecies are also present in Indonesia.
Alpacas do not destroy pastures because they have soft pads on the underside of their hooves.
They also have a nail on the front of their foot that is constantly growing. Under natural conditions, alpacas rub their nails against hard ground.
Central bearded dragon
The female lays 11 to 30 eggs in a shallow nest dug in the sand.
The eggs are left unattended and after about 2 - 2.5 months the young hatch. The length of incubatio ...
European tree frog
Females lay 800 to 1000 eggs grouped in walnut-sized clusters in the water.
The eggs are 1.5 mm in diameter. After 10 to 14 days, tadpoles hatch from them. The earlier the eggs are laid, the larger and more adult the tadpoles will grow.
Adder venom can cause a change in heart rhythm, reduce blood clotting, and lead to nervous system damage and tissue necrosis.
Most crustaceans reproduce sexually but there are hermaphrodites and species that change sex with age.
In crustaceans, internal fertilization occurs. Most aquatic crustaceans guard their eggs and carry t ...
Arctic fox
When food is abundant, polar foxes can join their families to form pack-like structures.
It helps them guard and protect their territory more effectively. In such structures, polygamy is more common.
These aquatic mammals have long stirred the human imagination and have been the source of many legends and stories in various cultures.
In Colombia’s Guajira region live the Wayuu Indian people. According to their legends, manatees were ...