Amur leopard

Facts about Amur leopard

We found 22 facts about Amur leopard

Panthera pardus orientalis

Amur leopards are the world’s rarest wild cats. One of eight leopard subspecies, the Amur leopard is easily distinguished from its cousins. Despite being perfectly adjusted to the harsh conditions of their habitat, they face an extremely high risk of extinction.

Amur leopard
Amur leopards are native to northern China and southeastern Russia.
It belongs to the genus Panthera of the family Felidae.
It is also known as the Russian leopard, Korean leopard, Far East leopard, or Manchurian leopard.
It is one of the subspecies of leopards.
There are eight subspecies of leopards in total: African, Indian, Javan, Arabian, Amur, Indochinese, Sri Lankan, and Panthera pardus tulliana (native to Turkey and the Iranian Plateau).
Amur leopard is the only leopard species adjusted to a cold climate.
Its name derives from the Amur river.
It is the tenth longest river in the world, flowing through China, Mongolia, and Russia.
It is the rarest wild cat in the world.
There are approximately 100 wild individuals alive.
The first mention of the Amur leopard dates back to 1857.
Hermann Schlegel, a German zoologist, discovered its pelt while on a survey in Korea.
Males are larger than females.
Males typically weigh between 32 to 48 kg, but their weight can exceed 75 kg. Females generally weigh between 25 and 43 kg.
They are rather average in length, reaching a maximum of 1,4 meters, with a tail approximately 90 centimeters long.
Their fur is decorated with rosettes—typical for leopard species' black spots.
Amur leopard’s rosettes are spaced further apart than other leopard species.
It has thick fur, growing to the length of 7,5 centimeters.
This, combined with their paler coat, adapts them to the cold, snowy climate. Their large paws prevent them from sinking in the snow.
Amur leopards are perfect hunters.
Although they would feed on hares, badgers, or mice, they prefer larger prey, even three times their size. They hunt for boars and deer, silently sneaking up on them, and attacking at the perfect moment. Their most preferred are the Siberian roe deer, Siberian musk deer, Manchurian sika deer, Manchurian wapiti, and even Amur moose (Amur elk), which are considered the world’s largest deer.
They are nocturnal.
They hunt at dusk or dawn, sleeping through most of the day.
They can achieve a maximum speed of almost 65 kph.
The average lifespan of the Amur leopard is 13 years.
In captivity, they can live up to 20 years.
Amur leopards reach sexual maturity at the age of 3.
Female gives birth to up to four cubs after 12 weeks of gestation.
Cubs stay with their mother for a period of two years.
After this period, they become fully independent and capable of surviving on their own.
Amur leopards are solitary and highly territorial.
Their typical territory covers an area of 310 square kilometers. They roam in groups only during the mating season.
It is listed as Critically Endangered by the IUNC.
The main reason behind their small numbers is excessive poaching and loss of their habitat. Fortunately, their numbers slowly, but systematically, grow, in large part thanks to the Land of the Leopard National Park in Primorsky Krai at the Russian-Chinese border. Its main goal is the protection of the species. When it was established in 2012, there were between 30 and 60 individuals of the Amur leopard in the wild. Nowadays, there are approximately 100 wild Amur leopards alive, and an additional 200 in reserves and zoos.
Despite the efforts to preserve the species, they are endangered by inbreeding.
There are so few Amur leopards living in the wild, the small genetic diversity in the gene pool may lead to inbreeding depression.
There are cases of Amur leopards hunting each other in competition for food.
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