Brooklyn Bridge

Facts about Brooklyn Bridge

We found 11 facts about Brooklyn Bridge

The first steel suspension bridge in the world

It is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the world. It connects Brooklyn with Manhattan, runs over the East River, and was completed in 1883.

Brooklyn Bridge
Construction of the bridge began on January 3, 1870 and lasted for 13 years.
Construction of the bridge cost about $15 million.
The construction of the bridge was not without accidents.

During the construction yards, 27 people lost their lives.

The author of the project was John Augustus Roebling - a well-known American designer of suspension bridges and author of the method of manufacturing steel cables.

Roebling paid for the construction of the bridge with his life. While taking measurements for the construction of the bridge, a ferry crushed his foot, which led to the introduction of an infection. Roebling contracted tetanus and died in July 1869.

The bridge changed its name several times.

In 1883 it was called the "New York and Brooklyn Bridge" because Brooklyn was not part of New York until 1898. The name "Brooklyn Bridge" was given in 1915.

The Brooklyn Bridge is the world's first steel suspension bridge.
The supplier of the suspension cables cheated the builders on the quality of the products supplied.

When the truth came out it was too late to replace the defective ropes, so the builders significantly increased the required amount of ropes for the bridge to function.

The first person to cross the bridge was a woman - Emily Warren Roebling.

Emily was a bridge builder who took over after her husband fell ill during construction work.

The bridge was officially opened on May 24, 1883.
12 people died trampled and 36 were injured during a panic that broke out a few days after the bridge opened.

On May 30, 1883, a woman raised the alarm that the bridge was collapsing. The panicked crowd began to abandon the structure in a panic, leading to the tragedy.

To convince the public about the soundness of the construction, 21 elephants walked across the Brooklyn Bridge in May 1884.
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