
Saturday, 18 May 2024
21 facts about Ada Lovelace
21 facts about Ada Lovelace
The first female programmer
Ada Lovelace was a British poet and mathematician who lived in the first half of the 19th century. She was the daughter of one of Britain's greatest d ...

Did you know?

Salvador Dali
Was he inspired by Einstein?
Critics and scholars wondered if Dali's famous Melting Watch was inspired on Einsteins theory of relativity.
Ernest Hemingway
A cat named Big Boy Peterson accompanied Hemingway in his last moments at the Idaho estate.
Hemingway’s Cuban residence, the Finca, was home to sixty cats and many dogs, to which Hemingway cou ...
Anna Pavlova
Some sources claim Anna wished to be considered a product of her mother’s early marriage, so she claimed her father was a man named Pavel, who died when she was a toddler.
She claimed he was married to her mother before she married Matvej Pavlov.
Peter the Great
The reform also included the central government of the state. A ruling Senate and colleges were created.
He placed subordinates at the head of the new offices, thus perpetuating tsarist absolutism and centralization of power.
Charles III
His marriage to Lady Diana was tumultuous from the start.
The couple had two sons: Wilhelm (born June 21, 1982) and Henry (born September 15, 1984). The famil ...
Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Also of great distinction was Kosciuszko's admission (as one of three foreigners) by fellow combatants to the Society of the Cincinnati, founded by the most distinguished officers.
The Society of the Cincinnati was an association formed by veterans of the American Revolution on Ma ...
Amadeus Mozart
Mozart died as a very young man, he was only 35 years old. He died in Vienna on December 5, 1791.
For many years, it was not known what caused his death. Although a bloodletting by a medic, two hour ...
William Shakespeare
In one entry in the Stationer’s Register of Stationer’s Company of London, a Society established in 1403 with a monopoly on the publishing industry, Shakespeare, as well as John Fletcher, Shakespeare’s associate, is credited with the authorship of the play “Cardenio” staged by the King’s Men in 1613.
Professor Brean Hammond of the University of Nottingham claims that in the play “Double Falsehood” b ...
Ada Lovelace
Ada was often sick during her childhood.
At the age of eight, she suffered from severe headaches that rendered her unable to see. In June 182 ...
Tadeusz Kosciuszko
In 1784, Kosciuszko returned to Poland.
He went to his hometown of Siechanowicz, where his brother-in-law administered his part of the estat ...