Javan hawk-eagle

Facts about Javan hawk-eagle

We found 13 facts about Javan hawk-eagle

Nisaetus bartelsi

The Javan hawk-eagle is one of the most endangered raptors in the world. It is a symbol of the endemic fauna of Java island in Indonesia and an Indonesian national bird. As a monogamous species that pairs with one mate, habitat fragmentation is one of the gravest dangers to their preservation.

Javan hawk-eagle
It is an endemic species of Indonesia.
It can be encountered in tropical forests of the island of Java.
It reaches an approximate size of 60 centimeters.
Javan hawk-eagles are dark-brown to chestnut in color, with a creamy stripe on their throat and randomly displayed black dots and stripes.
It has a distinguished vertical crest.
It consists of up to four 12 centimeters long feathers.
It has a vibrant yellow iris.
Young Javan hawk-eagles have blue-grayish eyes that change color as they mature.
The Javan hawk-eagle is a national bird of Indonesia.
It was declared as such in 1993.
It is carnivorous.
Its diet consists of birds, bats, lizards, snakes, and small mammals, which are their prey of choice, especially squirrels, rats, and tree shrews.
The mating season lasts from May to August.
There are recorded cases, however, of year-round breeding.
The Female lays a single egg that hatches after 48 days of incubation.
The young fledge around 2.5 months after hatching.
The breeding usually happens every two years.
The young typically stay with their parents for a year after fledging.
Javan hawk-eagle is monogamous.
There are an estimated 325 Javan hawk-eagle pairs in the wild.
Javan hawk-eagles are non-migratory.
The one-time migration happens only when the young leave the nest to build their own.
It is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.
It faces habitat loss and destruction, excessive poaching, and illegal pet trade.
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