Glass frogs

Facts about Glass frogs

We found 15 facts about Glass frogs

Also known as see-through frogs

They are very unique animals which name originates from their translucent belly skin which allow to see their heart, stomach, intestines and liver. They live in forested areas of south and central Americas.
Glass frogs
Glass frogs are amphibians from the family Centrolenidae.
There are over 120 species of glass frogs in 12 generas.
Most of glass frogs skin colors is lime to olive green.
There are also brown ones (like Nymphargus rosada). Their bodies may be covered with color spots and dots regarding of habitat they need to blend to.
All species of glass frogs have their abdominal skin transparent and translucent which makes their internal organs visible.
Most of them are small with adults rarely exceeding 30 mm (1,2 in) body length.
Some species on the other hand can grow much larger up to 80 mm (3 in).
Their translucent bodies help them avoid predators.
Glass frogs spend a lot of time on leaves and it turns out that their transparent skin makes them less visible to birds who often prey on them.
They are native to south and central Americas.
Some of them live in Mexico and Panama, some in Venezuela, Andes, Tobago Island and Bolivia. They can be found in southeastern Brazil and northern Argentina. They also live in the vicinity of great American rivers like the Amazon and Orinoco.
They are carnivores.
Diet of a glass frog consists of small insects like spiders, flies, butterflies and moths as well as smaller frogs.
They are arboreal animals.
This means that glass frogs spend most of their lives in the trees where they are able to blend with environment to avoid being eaten.
They are territorial.
During the wet season territorialism is most noticeable. To fend off potential competitor glass frogs make squeaking sounds.
Glass frogs are active during night.
Those nocturnal amphibians start to seek food as soon as it gets dark and are active during whole night. Mating also occurs at night.
Depending on the species, they can live from 10 to 14 years.
During mating season males are calling females.
When female approach, they mate on a leaf where eggs are being deposited during the process. Females lay about 20 to 40 eggs (depending on species), which are later guarded by a male. Males take care of eggs defending them from predators and moisturizing them.
Tadpoles hatch after 2 weeks.
They fall into water below a leaf. Equipped with strong tails and fins they handle fast-flowing waters easily. Tadpoles are omnivorous, they eat algae, moss, mosquito larvae and other little insects.
Biggest threat to glass frogs eggs are wasps and flies.
Frog flies for example lie their own eggs among glass frog eggs. Flies’ eggs hatch faster so maggots start to consume embryos of a frog.
Most of glass frog species are not endangered.
As they are arboreal creatures, deforestation is the biggest threat to them.
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