
Facts about tigers

We found 32 facts about tigers

The largest of wild cats

This one of the largest terrestrial predators is a cunning, lone hunter, with perfect climbing and swimming skills. Equally fascinating and horrifying, it has become a symbol in the Far East's culture and mythology. Typically, it is associated with wariness, bravery, beauty, and immortality, but also with bloodlust, greed, and anger.

The most commonly recognized is the division into six subspecies, although some researchers suggest that there are only two–island, and continental.

A common division distinguishes the subspecies:

  • Bengal tiger
  • Siberian tiger
  • Indochinese tiger
  • Sumatran tiger
  • South China tiger
  • Malayan tiger

The research of 2018 discovered that their last common ancestry lived approximately 110 thousand years ago.

Tigers live in southern and eastern parts of Asia and on Sumatra.

Small populations of these cats inhabit China, eastern Russia, and inland between India and Vietnam. At present, their overall population is estimated at between 4,7 and 5,1 thousand individuals, with most (approximately 3000) inhabiting India, over 400 in Russia, around 370 in Indonesia, and between 300 and 500 in Bangladesh.

Within the last 100 years, their historical habitat has shrunk to 6%.

As recently as the 19th century, tigers were spread from eastern Turkey through the South Caucasus to the coasts of the Sea of Japan. Out of the populations present outside Sumatra, tigers were common also in Java and Bali.

Their sense of smell is worse than dogs’.

They make auxiliary use of Jacobson’s organ for odor recognition.

Hearing is their best-developed sense.

They pick up sounds with frequencies from 200 Hz to 100 kHz (five times higher than those heard by humans).

Their roar is audible from over three kilometers away.

Truth be told, the range of the roar is much greater because tigers can make infrasound at an even lower frequency than that heard by humans.

Tigers’ jumps are second to panthers in terms of height, and second to lions in terms of length.

They can jump up to five meters high, and cover eight to nine meters in distance.

Tigers can kill large animals, and even humans, with just one paw stroke.

They can, and will, attack humans, but such attacks are unintentional. They will not hesitate to defend their territory, and will likely attack when hurt or weakened.

Tigers are lone hunters and prefer easy prey. It might happen that the tiger will consider human meat a “delicacy.” One of the best-known examples is the tigress from Champawat, India, that killed over 400 people.

Tigers have small, round pupils with yellow iris.

The retina of the tiger’s eye has six times the number of rods responsible for night vision than in the human eye. Rods perceive information about the brightness of an object rather than its color. The increased number of rods allows them to see the movements of objects and animals in almost total darkness. This gives them a huge advantage in the dark and is why they hunt at night.

The coloration of tigers depends on the season and the subspecies.

It ranges from yellow to red-orange with distinct black stripes. Their bellies and head sides are white.

Tiger hair also acts as a sense of touch.

The whiskers are spread across the skin and vibrissae are found on the eyebrow, cheeks, upper lip, and both sides of the muzzle.

The black strips are like fingerprints.

There are no two identically colored tigers. The brightest strips are typical for Siberian tigers. Strips are also present on their skin.

Tigers have many color varieties–white, black, and even blue.

The blue tiger is called the Maltese tiger and is probably a variety of the Bengal tiger. All white tigers housed in zoos are descended from a single father named Mohman. These tigers have more health problems like cleft lip and palate, scoliosis, and strabismus. This is a result of inbreeding, which provides zoos with white cats.

In nature, the gene conditioning white fur occurs in one in ten thousand specimens.
Most tigers live in tropical forests, in areas covered with grasses, reeds, and bamboo.
Tigers rarely climb trees.

They rest in the shade under trees, and on the Siberian steppes in rock clefts.

Tigers hunt prey no matter its size.

The only animals capable of withstanding their voraciousness are adult, healthy rhinos and elephants. In the clash between a tiger and a brown bear, the tiger usually wins.

Tiger eats 20 to 35 kilograms of meat in one stance.

When famished, an individual can devour up to 50 kilograms per meal. Some of the leftovers can be stored for the next meal.

Tigers can run as fast as 60 km/h.
Females can claim a territory of 60 to 100 square kilometers, while males up to 20 square kilometers.

They mark their territories with urine, excrement, and scent glands.

The primary family unit is a female with her cubs.

Males stay with them occasionally.

Tigers venture only in the presence of a related individual.

For females, it’s a mother with a daughter.

Females reach sexual maturity within the first three to four years, males a year later.

A female gives birth to three to four cubs after an average of 104-106 days of gestation.

An average lifespan is 10 to 15 years.
In the wild, tigers live only in Asia.

A hundred years ago there were more than 100.000 of them, now there are about 4000.

Tigers can mate with other wild cats.

The offspring of a male lion and tigress is called liger, and of a male tiger and lioness is called tigon.

The biggest threat to tigers is human and Asian folk medicine.

Some parts of tigers’ body are used as aphrodisiacs.

Tigers are a symbol of Far East culture.

The most revered are white tigers, considered kings of all animals in China. In Buddhism tigers are a symbol of piety and hospitality, and in Japan one of four good spirits.

The International Tiger Day is 29th July.
Tigers, like all cats, have a nictating membrane, called the third eyelid.
Tigers are perfect swimmers, capable of killing their prey in the meantime.

They can cross a river 6-8 kilometers wide with the current even about 30 kilometers.

Tigers, like lions, open their muzzles and extend their tongues to facilitate air access to olfactory receptors.
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