Abraham Lincoln

Facts about Abraham Lincoln

We found 12 facts about Abraham Lincoln

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today"

Abraham Lincoln is considered the most popular, and certainly the most characteristic US President. Learn a handful of interesting facts about the man who started the fight against slavery in the 19th century.

Abraham Lincoln
At a very young age, he lost his younger brother Thomas due to illness, and his mother died shortly thereafter.

A few years later he also lost his older sister, who died of postpartum fever.

He never finished any school.

He was self-taught and owed his love of reading and writing to his stepmother, Sarah Bush Johnston, who encouraged his learning and nurtured his development.

Among Lincoln’s favorite readings were the Bible, Aesop’s Fables, “The Pilgrim’s Wanderings” by John Buyan, and “The Cases of Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe.
Lincoln was a licensed bartender.

At the age of 23, he opened a tavern with his friend William Berry. Unfortunately, the partner’s alcohol problems caused Lincoln to work alone most of the time, and after Berry’s death, he spent 10 years paying off the debts Berry generated.

His favorite song was an American chant written by Daniel Emmett, “Dixie.”

Perversely, the song was regarded as a kind of Confederate anthem, gaining popularity during the vote for Southern secession in 1860.

He loved telling stories and anecdotes, especially in situations where he could not openly express his opinion.

During the escape of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, when asked by General Sherman whether he should be pursued and captured, Lincoln, who had no interest in pursuing Davis, quoted the story of a non-drinking man who, when offered lemonade, stated that if the host added brandy to it in such a way that he did not know about it, he would not be able to refuse to drink the beverage served.

He was the 16th US President.

He assumed office on 4th March 1861.

He measured about 195 centimeters, which makes him the tallest president of the US.
On one hand, Lincoln was against slavery. On the other, however, opposed the idea of granting civil rights to Afro-Americans, and suggested emigration to Africa and Latin America.
He died as a result of a gunshot wound during a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theater.

The assassin, actor Wilkes Booth, shot Lincoln from a close range after breaking into the presidential lodge. Lincoln died on 15th April 1865, at 7:22 in William Peterson’s mansion, where he was transported from the theater in serious condition.

Lincoln’s embalmed body rests in a mausoleum in Springfield.
His mother was Nancy Lincoln, née Hanks. Her descendant, and therefore a descendant of Abraham Lincoln, is actor Tom Hanks.

Nancy’s father was also named Tom.

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