
Facts about Deimos

We found 13 facts about Deimos

A smaller moon of Mars

Deimos is a smaller and more distant Martian moon. Its diameter is only 12.4 km, although it is difficult to talk about the diameter in the case of such a non-spherical celestial body as this satellite. It does not have many distinctive surface features, but there are a few craters on it. It probably entered the orbit of Mars from the outer Solar System, but there is no confirmed theory of its origin.

Deimos was discovered by American astronomer Asaph Hall on August 12, 1877, through a telescope at the US Naval Observatory.

It was not discovered accidentally, the astronomer conducted observations precisely to find the planet's natural satellites.

The dimensions of Deimos are 15 x 12 x 10.4 km.

Due to its small size, it is not a spherical object.

The area of Deimos is only 483,05 square kilometers.
The escape velocity from the surface of Deimos is 20 km/h.
Deimos is suspected to be a stray asteroid that was directed towards Mars by Jupiter's gravitational field.
Deimos orbits Mars in 30 hours, 17 minutes and 55 seconds.

It moves in an almost circular orbit that is systematically expanding. So unlike Phobos, which will most likely fall to the surface of Mars, Deimos will one day escape into space.

The surface of Deimos is covered with a few craters.

These craters are less visible than on the other moon because they are filled with regolith (rock dust).

The two largest craters of Deimos are approximately 3 kilometers in diameter: Swift and Voltaire.

They were named after two writers who claimed that Mars had two moons before this was proven.

The Swift Crater is 1 km in diameter while the Voltaire Crater is 1.9 km in diameter.

They are located close to each other in the northern hemisphere, right near the prime meridian.

Unlike Phobos, Deimos rises in the east and sets in the west of the Martian sky.
The diameter of Deimos during a solar eclipse on Mars is only 2.5 times greater than the diameter of Venus during transit.
The composition of Deimos is very similar to that of C- and D-type asteroids.
An eclipse of Deimos by Mars' shadow occurs on average 110 times per Martian year. Such an eclipse can last up to 4 hours.

Due to the short distance at which Deimos orbits Mars, these eclipses are most often total.

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