South Korea

Facts about South Korea

We found 15 facts about South Korea

To benefit all people

The motto of this country is very altruistic but reflects the spirit of the South Korean nation. Although in the 1970s it lagged behind North Korea's economic development, today it is one of the most modern and dynamically developing world economies. This is where SAMSUNG, Hyundai, Kia Motors, and LG Electronics come from.

South Korea
South Korea is a country created after the defeat of Japan during World War II as a result of the division of the Korean Empire, which was annexed by Japan in 1910.

The area located below the 38th parallel north was occupied by the United States. As a result of hostilities during the Korean War, the borderline between the countries has changed slightly, but it still runs close to the 38th parallel.

The capital of South Korea is Seoul.

It is the largest city in South Korea, located quite close to the North Korean border. Seoul is home to over 10 million people and has many tourist attractions dating back to the early Middle Ages. Seoul is also a very important Asian education center and the largest academic center in Korea.

The area of South Korea is 100.210 square kilometers.

Almost 52 million Koreans live in such a small area.

The national flower of South Korea is the Hibiscus syriacus.

Although the name suggests otherwise, this flower comes from China and Taiwan and gained its name thanks to the fact that it reached Europe with Syrian traders around the 16th century.

South Korea has one neighbor - North Korea.

Due to its location on the Korean Peninsula, the land border runs only to the north. Through its territorial waters, it borders with China and Japan.

Although the hostilities between North and South Korea ended on July 27, 1953, with the signing of an armistice, the war between the countries continues to this day. To this day, no peace has been concluded between the conflicting countries.

Under the armistice, hostilities ceased and a demilitarized zone "DMZ" operates in the area 2 km south and 2 km north of the so-called "Kansas-Wyoming" line, where the front stabilized in 1951. The DMZ area stretches for 150 kilometers.

Korean women are obsessed with appearance.

Apart from hundreds of different types of cosmetics, according to research from 2020, about 20% of young Korean women undergo plastic surgery.

Koreans are born a year older than us (at least).

The age of a person born in Korea is counted from one, not from zero as in our country. This is because Koreans include the fetal period in life expectancy. Moreover, with the new year, all citizens automatically age one year, unlike the rest of the world, where we add 1 to our age on our birthday. If you are born on December 31st, you will be 2 years old the next day!

It is a mountainous and highland country.

About 70% of South Korea's terrain is mountains, although they are not as high as those in North Korea.

The highest mountain in South Korea is Hallasan.

It is a shield volcano with a height of 1.947,06 m above sea level. It is located on Jeju Island located south of the Korean Peninsula. Hallasan is an active volcano, although it is estimated that its last eruption took place about 5000 years ago. According to volcanological classification, however, active volcanoes are those that erupted within the last 10.000 years.

At the top of the Hallasan volcano, in the crater, there is Lake Baengnokdam, which expands and evaporates depending on rainfall.

It can reach a diameter of 2 kilometers and a depth of up to 100 meters. The slopes of Hallasan are covered with many smaller cones that once released lava and pyroclastic material. Such small cones on the slopes of a large volcano are called parasitic cones.

Koreans fly big. Most of the world's airline passengers travel between Jeju Island airport and Seoul.

According to estimates (apart from the pandemic, of course), flights between Jeju International and Seoul Gimpo airports serve almost 1.3 million passengers per month.

Jeju Island was named one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature in 2011.

There are some doubts about whether the verdict was influenced only by aesthetic values or also by financial arguments. There is no doubt about one thing - it is worth visiting this volcanic island where there are as many as 90 taxa of endemic plants.

Kimchi is the national dish of Koreans.

Kimchi is fermented or pickled vegetables. The first kimchi was created in Korea in the 6th century when people were looking for a way to preserve turnips over the winter. Although it originates from the poor, today it is served even in the best restaurants around the world.

The longest river in South Korea is the Naktong-gang.

It flows from the Taebaek Mountains in the southern part of the country and is 523 km long. It flows through the cities of Andong, Daegu and Busan.

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