Murray River

Facts about Murray River

We found 20 facts about Murray River

The third longest navigable river in the world

The longest river in Australia holds the most economic value to the country. The Murray—Darling basin is one of the greatest tourist attraction, earning approximately $11 billion a year.
Murray River
Murray River is the longest in Australia.
Measuring from the Upper Murray up to the Indian Ocean, it is 2,520 kilometers long.
It spans three states.
From South Australia, through Victoria, to New South Wales.
It is the third longest navigable river in the world.
It is surpassed by the Amazon River in South America and the Nile River in Africa.
Murray River's history dates back 130 million years.
It originates from the paleolake Bungunnia.
It was discovered by European explorers Hamilton Hume and William Hovell in 1824.
Initially, it was called the Hume River.
It is a part of the Murray-Darling basin.
It includes the seven longest rivers in Australia, the Murray River being the longest, and the Darling River being the third longest in the country.
The Murray—Darling basin covers approximately 14% of Australia’s land area.
The first bridge built to cross the Murray River was Edwards Crossing.
It was built in 1879.
There are several lakes in the Murray River, Lake Victoria being the most popular.
It holds a special place among all Australian lakes because of fostering a huge number of native wildlife.
Murray River includes several species of native fish.
Murray cod, trout cod, golden perch, silver perch, Macquarie perch, freshwater catfish, bony beam, western carp gudgeon, flathead gudgeon, river blackfish, two-spine blackfish, barred galaxias, flathead galaxias, and other fish can be found in the Murray River.
The Aquatic Ecological Community of the Murray River is listed as endangered.
Although recreational fishing of several native species, such as Murray cod or golden perch, is permitted, most fish hold a status of endangered species. Specific approval is required to possess most of the native aquatic species.
The Murray River houses intruder species, that contribute to the endangerment of native fish.
The most notorious are loach, common carp, and redfin perch.
Murray cod is the largest freshwater fish in Australia.
It is not possible for sea transport to enter the Murray River due to the lack of estuary.
Morgan-Whyalla Pipeline, located on the Murray River, is one of the largest in Australia.
It supplies water for over 1,5 million households.
The Murray River has its own flag.
The flag’s origins are not fully known, however, it may have originated from the formation of the Murray River League in 1850. It resembles Australian flags from the 19th century.
The soil in the Murray River is rich in nutrients and fertile.
It is suitable for growing crops, especially rice, which is the main cereal crop growing in the Murray River basin.
There are 37 golf courses along the Murray River.
The Murray River holds a dark spot in its history.
Heavy rainfalls in 1956 led to flooding, which caused severe damage across its basin. It is still considered the greatest catastrophe of Southern Australia.
Ever since 1969, the river holds the annual canoe race, called the Murray Marathon.
It is the largest canoe race in the world.
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