
Facts about mayflower

We found 13 facts about mayflower

Epigaea repens

Mayflower is an evergreen shrub, spread throughout the eastern U.S. shore. A state flower of Massachusetts, it is vulnerable, but on the other hand, thrives under the proper conditions. Although most likely its name comes from the name of the ship that the Pilgrims sailed on to America, it was well known by the Indigenous peoples of America, such as Iroquois and Cherokee, and used to treat various urinary problems.
It is a creeping shrub in the family Ericaceae.
There are 4,250 species in the family Ericaceae, including rhododendron, blueberry, and cranberry.
It can be found in various parts of North America, including Canada, Newfoundland, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Florida.
As an evergreen ground shrub, it is usually covered by fallen leaves and hidden in the grass.
In England, it is known as the May flower.
Mayflower is also referred to as a Massachusetts state flower.
It was adopted as the state flower in 1918.
There is a dispute among historians about where the mayflower originates from.
Some claim it was the first flower seen by the Pilgrims entering the new country in 1620 and some that it exists since the glacier period.
It is claimed the Pilgrims came on a ship called the Mayflower, thus the flower’s name.
It was used by Native Americans as a medicine for treating numerous urinary problems.
It is due to a high concentration of the compound arbutin, a urinary antiseptic.
Its blooms are pink or white and spread a sweet and spicy fragrance.
The smell intensifies as the plant ages.
Mayflower grows in clusters, both terminal and upper axillary, in partial or full shade.
It requires moist, acidic soil and a harsh climate to thrive.
It won’t grow in a humid environment.
It blooms from April to May.
Mayflower is protected by law in many states.
They are extremely rare in the wild, thanks to the destruction of their habitat and peculiar growing requirements, so removing one from its habitat is strictly prohibited.
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