Javan leopard

Facts about Javan leopard

We found 15 facts about Javan leopard

Panthera pardus melas

The Javan leopard is one of the endemic animals of the island of Java in Indonesia. Due to habitat fragmentation, leopards are forced to breed within a reduced gene pool diversity. This is leading to a rapid decline in their numbers and requires strong conservation plans to preserve the species.

Javan leopard
It is endemic to the island of Java in Indonesia.
It inhabits the rainforest in West Java.
It measures up to 160 centimeters and weighs up to 70 kg.
It has yellowish-orange fur with black rosettes and characteristic steel-gray eyes.
Its current population is estimated at 250–350 individuals.
It feeds primarily on wild boar, monkeys, and apes.
The most common prey consists of barking deer, Java mouse-deer, silvery lutung, crab-eating macaque, and Javan gibbon.

Because of their shrinking habitat, Javan leopards prey on domestic animals, such as dogs and cattle.
Javan leopards await their prey on the top of trees.
Their spotted fur allows them to camouflage better against the leaves.
It is one of the leopard subspecies.
There are eight subspecies of leopards in total: African, Indian, Javan, Arabian, Amur, Indochinese, Sri Lankan, and Panthera pardus tulliana (native to Turkey and the Iranian Plateau).
It is nocturnal.
It spends the majority of its time on tree branches, both while hunting and consuming its prey.
Javan leopards can reach a maximum speed of 58 km/h.
It is solitary.
It forms groups only for mating purposes.
A Female gives birth to two to four cubs per litter after 90 days of gestation.
Cubs are hidden in dense vegetation for the next eight months during which are cared for by their mother.
The average lifespan of a Javan leopard is 14 years in the wild.
It has an exceptional sense of hearing.
It is listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List.
It faces a fragmentation of its habitat and agricultural expansion.
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