Tasmanian devil

Facts about tasmanian devil

We found 16 facts about tasmanian devil

Sarcophilus harrisii

They used to inhabit the Australian continent, but for unexplained reasons, disappeared from there about three thousand years ago. Today, they can only be found in Tasmania.

Although a few years ago the species was attacked by a virus-spreading tumor that dwarfed the Tasmanian devil population, today the situation is back to normal. It is estimated that there are currently between 20.000 and 50.000 adult representatives, not a small number, but the International Union for Conservation of Nature classifies Tasmanian devils as an endangered species.

Tasmanian devil
The Tasmanian devil belongs to the marsupial family.

It includes 69 species of which the Tasmanian devil is the only representative of the genus Sarcophilus. It is the largest currently living carnivorous marsupial.

Males are larger than females.

The male's body length is about 90 cm and weighs 8 kg, while females average 81 cm and weigh 6 kg.

Their fur is black with uneven white patches on the chest.

However, not all Tasmanian devils have a white accent; 16 percent of the population is completely black.

They inhabit only Tasmania and Robbins Island, to which the passage from Tasmania is exposed at low tide.

In the Pleistocene, Tasmanian devils still inhabited Australia but became extinct about 3000 years ago, and the reasons for their extinction on the continent are not yet known. It is speculated that dingoes that entered Australia between 8000 and 6500 years ago may have contributed to their extinction.

The strength of their bite relative to their body weight is one of the highest among all land predators.

Their jaws expand 75 degrees to 80 degrees and their bite force exceeds 550 N. According to the bite force quotient (BFQ), they outclass the tiger, lion, leopard, or brown bear.

Although there are no cases of Tasmanian devils attacking humans, they are capable of attacking animals larger than themselves.

When attacking, they scratch and bite their prey. They can attack up to 3.5 times larger prey and are known to hunt wombats weighing up to 30 kg.

They are active at dusk and at night.

They go out foraging then, seeking both live prey and carrion. They often eat in groups of 2 to 5 individuals. They spend their days in bushes or burrows.

They use many senses to hunt, but hearing is the most important.

To locate prey, on the other hand, they use smell, which can detect scent from one kilometer away. Sight is adapted to a nocturnal lifestyle, so they see best in black and white with it being easier for them to see moving objects than stationary ones.

Sometimes adult devils eat younger representatives of their species.

Usually, acts of cannibalism occur when food is scarce. Probably for this reason, juveniles have evolved the ability to climb trees and shrubs, which they lose with age.

Tasmanian devils can devour their prey whole.

They leave neither fur nor skin, which they are excellent carrion eliminators. In the case of larger animals, they usually start their meal with the stomach, intestines, and their contents and after consuming it, they can enter in place of these organs and start consuming the carcass from the inside.

Tasmanian devils can swim and swim quite well.

They can cross rivers as wide as 50 meters in this way. Observations show that such swimming gives them pleasure even when the water is very cold.

Tasmanian devils prefer burrows as shelter. They most often use those left by wombats.

Each individual has several burrows that it uses. They also pass from generation to generation so that one burrow can provide shelter for dozens of generations of devils over hundreds of years.

They can also establish their lairs in human buildings, usually abandoned or rarely visited by wooden sheds and barns.

When setting up such a lair, they often steal blankets, pillows, or clothing from human settlements, which they take to their new "headquarters."

Pregnancy lasts for 21 days for them. After this time, 20 to 30 young are born.

Newborn Tasmanian devils weigh between 0.18 and 0.24 grams. Competition in these animals lasts from the first seconds of life. After birth, they have to travel from the vagina to the female's nesting pouch and attach themselves to the nipple. Unfortunately, the female has only four and can feed the same number of young. When a newborn Tasmanian devil reaches the breeding pouch, it attaches to the nipple and remains so attached for the next 100 days.

Only about 40% of pups reach adulthood.

Young devils reach sexual maturity at 2 years of age.

The lifespan of Tasmanian devils in the wild is about 5 years.

In captivity, they can live up to 7 years.

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