Alcázar of Seville

Facts about Alcázar of Seville

We found 11 facts about Alcázar of Seville

The most outstanding work of Moorish architecture

The Alcázar of Seville is the oldest royal palace in Europe, continuously occupied by the rulers of Spain. The royal family does not live here permanently, some royal celebrations take place here. For some time, the Alcázar was the film's Dorn, because this place is beautiful and magical. Here are some interesting facts about the Alcázar of Seville.

Alcázar of Seville
This Moorish palace is located in Seville, the capital of the Spanish region of Andalusia.
The Alcázar of Seville, as well as the city's largest cathedral in the world and the 18th-century archive, are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The Alcázar is a palace complex built in the 10th and 11th centuries.

Representatives of the Cordoba Caliphate resided there. At that time it was called Al-Muwarak. The complex consists of several parts built in different periods.

After retaking the city from the Moors in the 13th century, Saint Ferdinand III rebuilt the palace in the Gothic style.

In the 14th century, Pedro I the Cruel decided to rebuild the palace in the Mudejar style, thanks to which refers to the Arab heritage. Many Arabic inscriptions praising Allah remain on the walls.

The Alcázar impresses not only with its palace rooms but also with its wonderful gardens and fountains.

One of the most captivating places in the palace is the Ambassadors' Hall with a beautifully decorated ceiling. One of the most beautiful decorations is the dome from the 15th century, carved in gilded wood.

The most photographed place in the Alcázar is the Courtyard of the Virgins.

Legend says that during the reign of the Caliphate, Christian rulers were required to hand over one hundred virgins every year.

A place with a mystical atmosphere is the baths located under the Gothic Palace.

This place used to be a rainwater tank for garden irrigation.

The Alcázar is the oldest functioning Royal Residence in Europe.

The royal rooms are located on the upper floors. If the royal family is not in the palace, the rooms can be visited.

The Alcázar gardens are astonishing (60.000 square meters) and have many plants (over 170 species).

Countless trees, flowers, fountains, streams, terraces, pavilions, and a garden maze. In the summer, chamber concerts are held in the gardens.

The Alcázar was used in the filming of "Game of Thrones," "Kingdom of Heaven" and "Lawrence of Arabia."
The gallery from the first half of the 16th century, from the time of Charles V, is full of Azulejo tiles.
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