
Facts about cabbage

We found 19 facts about cabbage

Brassica oleracea and its cousins

Cabbage is a popular plant belonging to the Brassicaceae family. There are about 44 species of Brassica oleracea, many of which are derived from cruciferous vegetables. Those plants mostly appear only in crops and do not occur in nature.

Cabbage is a biennial plant.

It needs two years for its full life cycle, as it develops reproductive organs in the second year. For food purposes, however, the vegetable is harvested in the first year, as it already produces a dense leafy head.

There are several varieties of cabbage.

The most popular are white and red. In addition, there is also Italian cabbage with its characteristic wrinkled leaves.

Savoy cabbage was bred in Germany.

Its cultivation was carried out by German farmers as early as the 16th century, it quickly gained popularity and was a staple food as early as the 17th century.

Cabbage blooms yellow or white.

The inflorescences grow to a height of 50 to 100 centimeters and are topped with four-leaved flowers with petals arranged perpendicularly.

The Latin name for cabbage (Brassica) comes from the Celtic language.

Many European and Asian names are taken from the Celtic-Slavic word cap meaning head. The name of the cabbage family (Cruciferae), on the other hand, originated in early medieval Europe from flowers that resemble a crucifix.

Thanks to sauerkraut, many sailors have avoided scurvy.

This troublesome disease for sailors is caused by vitamin C deficiency and cabbage is an excellent source of it.

The Japanese were not familiar with the Brassica oleracea until 1775.

Likely, they didn’t have their first contact with the vegetable until Captain Carl Peter Thunberg’s ship arrived on the artificial island of Dejima in Nagasaka Bay in August 1775.

It was domesticated around the 10th century BC.

In ancient Rome, it was considered a luxury commodity. It only came into widespread use during the Middle Ages and quickly became one of the main ingredients in European cuisine.

Raw cabbage is a rich source of vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber.

100 grams contain as much as 72 percent of the daily recommended intake of vitamin K and 44 percent of vitamin C. It also has a noticeable amount of vitamins B6 and B9.

It consists of 92 percent water.

6 percent are carbohydrates, and 1 percent protein. It also contains trace amounts of fat.

It is widespread in central and eastern Europe.

Many traditional dishes are prepared using cabbage. In Poland and Lithuania, everybody loves bigos (sauerkraut with chopped meat, mushrooms, and spices), sauerkraut (eagerly served along grilled sausages), and gołąbki (boiled cabbage leaves stuffed with minced meat combined with rice and spices, and cooked in tomato sauce).

A traditional cabbage dish in the UK is bubble and squeak.

It gets its name from the sound it makes during preparation (bubbling and squeaking). It is made from boiled potatoes and cabbage, which are sauteed after being mixed.

Coleslaw is the world’s most popular salad based on cabbage.

The current name of the salad originated in the 18th century and is the English version of the Danish name (in Danish koolsla means cabbage salad). It can be prepared in many ways, the ingredients can change at the cook’s discretion (carrots, cheese, pineapple, or apple) but cabbage is always its core ingredient. The most popular dressing used in salad is vinaigrette or mayonnaise (the former is much longer lasting).

Russians consume the most cabbage in the world.

The statistical Russian eats 20 kilograms of cabbage a year, followed by the Belgians who eat 4.7 kilograms, and just behind them the Dutch with 4 kilograms of cabbage consumed annually.

Originating in East Asia, Chinese cabbage is a popular ingredient in many Oriental dishes.

More widely known as pak choi or bok choi, it is usually prepared by steaming or sauteing. In addition to vitamins K and C, pak-choi is also rich in vitamin A (30 percent of the daily recommended serving in 100 g) and calcium.

Unlike most cabbages, the edible part of turnips is the tuber and not the leaves.

Turnip leaves are used as animal feed, although they are an excellent source of vitamins and could also be eaten by humans. Some people eat cooked turnip leaves, with this part of the plant gaining popularity in recent years.

Napa cabbage is native to northern China and Japan.

The first records of the cultivation of Napa cabbage date back to the 15th century from around the Yangtze River. From there, it made its way to Korea and Japan to spread with Chinese emigrants to other continents in the 19th century. In China, Napa cabbage is a symbol of prosperity and often adorns glass and porcelain figurines there.

It is not as nutritious as Brassica oleracea or bok choi because it does not have large amounts of vitamins K and A in its composition.

Global cabbage production is more than 70 million tons per year.

The largest producers of this vegetable are China (48 percent), India (13 percent), Russia and South Korea (3.6 percent each).

The heaviest head of cabbage grown weighed 62.71 kilograms.
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