Rio Grande

Facts about Rio Grande

We found 16 facts about Rio Grande

Rio Bravo

The Rio Grande is one of the major rivers in North America. Once a subject of dispute, it is a natural border between Texas and northern Mexico. The river is slowly drying out and has been declared endangered several times in its history. Presently, scientists and governments try to implement various instruments to preserve the river.

Rio Grande
It is one of the principal rivers of both the southwestern United States and Mexico.
In Mexico, it is known as the Rio Bravo, which means the furious river.
It originates in Colorado and flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
It is the fourth-longest river in North America.
It is 3,051 kilometers long.
The Rio Grande has over 100 tributaries.
The largest in terms of discharge is the Rio Conchos.
It is a natural border between Mexico and the state of Texas.
Until 1845, Mexico considered the then Republic of Texas a rebellious territory, when it was annexed into the U.S. It resulted in a Mexican-American War that lasted from 1846 to 1848.
The Rio Grande has been an immigration hub for both Mexicans and Americans.
In the 1820s, slaves from Texas got to Mexico through the river after slavery was abolished in Texas. In recent years, it is the other way around. Many immigrants from Mexico have tried to cross the border through the Rio Grande, however, many attempts end in people drowning.
Dams built on the river caused the water discharge to get reduced to 20%.
It was designated an American Heritage River in 1997.
One of the major U.S. cities lying along the Rio Grande is Truth or Consequences in New Mexico.
Formerly known as Hot Springs, the city changed its name in 1950 as a result of a dare of a host of a radio show called Truth or Consequences, who promised free publicity to any city that would change its name to match the shows’.
In the 19th century, the Rio Grande was a major transportation route for steamboats.
In 2001, a sandbar blocked the flow of the Rio Grande into the Gulf of Mexico.
The situation happened again in 2002.
The once widespread fish species called the Rio Grande silvery minnow faces now extinction.
Its population was reduced to 5%, and currently, it can be found only in the middle section of the river. It has been listed under the Endangered Species Act.
The Rio Grande is not a navigable river.
Navigation is only possible at the mouth of the Rio Grande.
Scientists suggest that if proper management is not implemented in the care of the river, it will dry out completely.
The Rio Grande is overused, as there are more users than the water in the river. What is more, certain parts face droughts and frequently run dry.
Because of climate change, water shortages affect the local ecosystem.
Many local species, including the southwestern willow flycatcher and cottonwood trees, are endangered as a result.
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