Victoria Falls

Facts about Victoria Falls

We found 14 facts about Victoria Falls

One of the seven natural wonders of the world

Victoria Falls is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. In addition to a magnificent and over-a-kilometer-wide cascade, they offer visitors a unique ecosystem protected by nearby national parks. Discovered in the 19th century, they were quickly recognized as one of the unique places and were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls was discovered in 1855 by Scottish missionary David Livingstone.
The local name for the waterfall given by the indigenous Africans is Mosi-oa-Tunya, which can be translated as the Smoke that Thunders.
The name Victoria Falls was given to the waterfall by its discoverer, David Livingstone, in honor of the then-reigning English queen.
Victoria Falls was formed about 150 million years ago because of tectonic movements of the Earth. The riverbed below the falls is a crack in the Earth’s crust.
The height of the waterfall in Victoria Falls is 108 meters.
Victoria Falls is located in the Zambezi River on the border of two countries, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
On the Zimbabwean side is a rainforest.

It is a place where it rains every day due to the enormous amount of water evaporating from the falls.

Two national parks have been established in the Victoria Falls area.

These are Mosi-oa-Tunya in Zambia with an area of 66 square kilometers, and Victoria Falls National Park in Zimbabwe with an area of 23 square kilometers.

The waterfall is 1.7 kilometers wide. It consists of three parts: the main, eastern, and rainbow sections.
At the edge of the waterfall is a rock-carved pool called the Devil’s Pool.

Entrance to it is possible during the dry season when currents in the river are not high and the water level of the pool does not change.

Victoria Falls is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
Currently, the water level of the falls is the lowest in 25 years.

According to estimates by local authorities, this condition may continue in the coming years. The immediate cause of this water level is the prevailing drought in the area. Droughts are becoming more frequent in the region due to the warming climate.

Thanks to the massively rising mist created by water falling from high altitudes, rainbows are a common sight here, which are visible even at night when the sunlight reflected from the moon is scattered in the misty clouds of the waterfall.
Victoria Falls was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989.
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