
Facts about rowan

We found 17 facts about rowan

Sorbus aucuparia

Although we know this plant as mountain ash, its scientific name is Sorbus aucuparia. It is a pioneer plant thanks to its frost resistance and low requirements, thanks to which it has spread throughout Eurasia. Even though its range is so wide, it has not managed to reach Japan.

It has a number of uses in folk medicine, but it is also planted for ornamental purposes and as a soil-strengthening plant in mountainous areas.

Common mountain ash, commonly known as rowan, is a plant belonging to the rose family.

The rose family includes 4828 species divided into 91 genera. There are five subspecies of rowan.

This plant appeared in the early Pliocene about 5 million years ago.

Rowan minerals were found in the Ankara province in Turkey. It is therefore possible that it comes from this region.

Rowan can grow as a tree or a shrub.

It reaches sizes ranging from 5 to 15 meters and often has many trunks topped with a loose, irregularly shaped crown.

It is a perennial plant that lives for 80 to 100 years.

Of course, as with any living organism, there are long-lived specimens. An example of such an old rowan tree is a specimen growing in Świnoujście, Poland, which is over 130 years old.

It grows throughout Europe up to the Caucasus and Siberia.

Rowan can be found in the south of Spain, Greece, and on islands such as Sardinia, the Azores, the Balearic Islands, and in the north on the Faroe Islands and Iceland.

It likes sunny places, although it is a tolerant plant when it comes to conditions and pollution.

It grows well in permeable soils, but also thrives in sandy ones.

The trunk of the rowan tree is slender and cylindrical in cross-section.

It can reach 40 cm in diameter and the branches grow upwards.

Rowan blooms from May to June.

Rowan flowers are composed of 5 white petals, about 5 mm long, and forming a circular shape. They grow in umbels, i.e. clustered inflorescences. They are pollinated by bees and flies, which attract with the characteristic smell of bitter almonds.

Rowan berries have a very characteristic shape and color.

Their diameter is approximately 8 mm. Before they ripen, which happens between August and October, they are green. Like flowers, they grow in clusters that usually consist of 80 to 100 fruits. They are inedible in their raw state due to the content of parasorbic acid, which is poisonous.

It is spread by birds and mammals.

Rowan berries are eaten by about 60 species of birds and some mammals. Since the seeds are not digested by these animals, they are dispersed in their excrement.

In Central Europe, it often grows in the company of coral lilac, willow, aspen, aspen, and silver birch.
Rowan is a very flammable plant.

Litter near rowan trees should be carefully monitored because it may lead to the fire spreading rapidly.

Rowan berries are popular in cooking.

They are used to make juices, jams, mousses, marmalade, and fruit vodka called rowanberry. However, before preparing for consumption, remember to scald or freeze the rowan fruit to get rid of the bitterness and poisonous parasorbic acid.

Rowan varieties, specially adapted for the food industry, have been created.

Such fruits are edible raw and have a larger diameter than the "classic" rowan.

Rowan berries are a rich source of vitamins.

They contain large amounts of vitamins B3, C, E, K, and P and small amounts of vitamin A.

Rowan is also used in herbal medicine.

Rowan improves the functioning of the digestive system, strengthens the mucous membranes, and has a diuretic effect. It is used in cases of diarrhea, enteritis, liver and gallbladder diseases.

In ancient times, birders used rowan berries to lure birds into their traps.
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